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Are You a Leader? (Part 2)

Daylight Savings Time begins March 13th. Hallelujah! Attitudes change with the clock change. Everyone becomes calmer and friendlier. Most people can be led easily during this period. How can leaders take advantage of this to mold others and their companies?

My trainer constantly reminds me to stretch after running. He says it’s the best time to stretch because your body is poised to benefit. Stretching will help prevent injuries but also strengthen. I understand, but the fact is that I hate to stretch. I have little free time and, after a run, I am hurrying to accomplish the next item on my TO-Do-List. The fact that I have many things to do does not lessen the importance of stretching.

During winter our habits change. Some people leave work earlier; some choose not to make a call until tomorrow; some sleep more. As we emerge from our winter hibernation our habits need stretching. Be aware that employees will not want to change (stretch). They will resist it because most do not like change. Their resistance is similar to my dislike for stretching after a run. As leaders we must teach others how to change (stretch) their habits.

Also, most of your competition is resistant to change. You will create a competitive advantage when you use this time to stretch. In a race there are only a few strategic places where you can pass your competition. You may not know beforehand where these places may be. What is most important is to be alert to recognize the opportunities as they occur. Now is the time!

The best leadership is by example. My father taught me not to ask your employees to do something you are not willing to do. At Evans Glass Company I make it a point of calling on new potential customers weekly, calling to collect a past due account from a “problem” customer, developing relationships with new suppliers, and generally doing things that may be uncomfortable initially. Leaders are willing to do the uncomfortable things until they become comfortable. As others see what we do, they will quickly lose their resistance to change (stretching). When you stretch you grow (and your company grows).

Are you a leader?