The Bourbon Chase celebrates the best of Kentucky. It is a 200-mile journey across the Bluegrass State – through our historic bourbon distilleries, across our majestic horse country, and into our enchanting small towns.
I ran the 1/2 marathon in the Dry Creek Marathon and Half on Sunday, February 23, 2014. It was held on the gravel roads, dirt trails, and wooded areas in the Cheatham County Wildlife Management Area.
Parts were steep hills, both descending and ascending, but most were rolling hills. It was a great race. Nashville Running Company did an excellent job of staging/conducting the race. Season Kaminski is a premier race director.
It is a difficult course, but I was pleased with my overall time.
Phillip, Curtis, and I are celebrating finishing the half marathon with a cold beverage.

This is a challenging marathon situated entirely within Nashville’s Percy Warner Park
This is a challenging marathon situated entirely within Nashville’s Percy Warner Park, in the Middle Tennessee Harpeth Hills.
The route winds over hills, climbing up and then down 3000 feet of rolling elevation change, through forests and along open fields in one of the country’s largest city parks. The Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon is a marathon that is about running. Running hard. Running over memorable rolling hills and through dense woods.
The dates for 2013 were October 18-19.
A 200-mile relay race along Kentucky’s Bourbon Trail, The Bourbon Chase celebrates the best of Kentucky. It is a 200-mile journey across the Bluegrass State – through the historic bourbon distilleries, across their majestic horse country, and into enchanting small towns.
Monday, September 2, 2013 @ 7:00 am (CDT) Proceeds from the 35th Annual Franklin Classic benefit Mercy Community Healthcare (formerly Mercy Children’s Clinic) and is their largest fundraising event of the year.
It was a great atmosphere surrounding the race. Tents were surrounding the square, a band was playing, and many runners were crowding into the area. There were a few spectators at the start of the 10k race. It was a hot day, but a relatively flat course. The crowds had swelled by the end of the 10k. I finished immediately in front of a double amputee. The crowd loudly cheered him. It was a special moment.
By the time the 5k race started, there were many more runners and spectators. I ran the first ≤ mile with Sue and the last ≤ mile with her. In the interim, I stood on a street corner and cheered the runners. The course was an out and back design. The last participant was a single full leg amputee. The returning runners cheered her.
BEAT had a great showing at the Franklin Classic today to run in honor of Sherri Kerstetter, our terrific treasurer and extraordinary kids tri volunteer/founder of the Harvest Hands Tri Club for the kids in that after-school programming South Nashville.
DATE July 14, 2013
Photo Team In Training-Tennessee Trail Race with our TNT Friends. Go TEAM! — with Bill Evans , Jean Thompson , Johnna Davis , Carey Thompson , Genny Markert Tidwell , Stacy L. Andrick , Christopher McClintock and Sammi Hoffman-Schmittou . and Sammi Hoffman-Schmittou .

I Run for the Party conducted a 5k and 10k race in downtown Nashville.
I ran the 10k. It rained throughout the race, but that made it great running weather. We started a the Metro Courthouse, ran down Woodland to Interstate Drive. We turned right on to Interstate Drive, ran to Shelby Street, turned right onto Shelby, ran over the Cumberland River to the Nashville Convention Center. We turned on to 6th Ave South and ran under the Convention Center, turned left onto Demonbreun, and then turned right onto 7th Ave South. We continued on 7th to Church Street, turned right onto Church, left onto Capital, right onto Union, left onto 6th Ave North, right onto Deadrick Street and ran back to the Courthouse. The 5k runners were finished, but we 10kers ran another lap. Last year the weather was approximately 100 degrees; this year it was 70 degrees and rainy. Everyone preferred this year’s weather.
I ran the inaugural Franklin Half Marathon.
It was run in Liepers Fork, TN and started at 7:30 AM CDT It was a hilly hot race, but since it was late June in Middle TN neither was unexpected. I raced with several friends at various points throughout the race. I made a new running friend, Keith from Nolensville. I may never see him again, but for several miles we encouraged each other. My cousin, Dusty Rhoades, ran the race. Perhaps the best part was the Georgia Peaches given to the finishers. They were delicious!

Sue, Amy Smith and I rode the 32 mile route in the Big Hill Challenge in Watertown, TN.
The ride also offered 64 and 100 mile routes. Our route was the least hilly. We ascended several hills that were approximately 300’ rises. Most of our route was rolling hills. The other routs ascended at least one hill that had an 800’ rise over about 1 ½ miles. This ride benefited the community of Watertown.

May 18, 2013
On May 18, 2013 I ran in the Rock Creek Scenic City full and half marathon race. This year I ran the 1/2 marathon, which is run at the top of Raccoon Mountain outside Chattanooga, TN. The race is hilly even though it is run at the top of Raccoon Mountain. I finished 222nd out of 231 half marathon runners.
My friend, and personal trainer, Christopher McClintock ran the full marathon and finished 28th out of 108 total full marathoners.
This is the 3rd time I have run this race. I have run the 1/2 marathon twice and the full marathon once. This race is in the top 2 of my all time favorite races; the other being the Flying Monkey marathon in Percy Warner Park in Nashville.

The Peeler Park 6 mile race was held April 7th in Madison, TN.
It was put on by Nashville Running Company, a running apparel store in East Nashville. We ran through soupy mud, packed dirt, grassy fields, woods and an 8”-12” deep creek. Trail runners are much more laid-back than road racers. About 60 runners participated and I finished in the top 80%. We enjoyed apples and bananas at the finish.
Running in Paradise
I ran 3 days on my visit to St Thomas in late January ’13.
I ran 3 days on my visit to St Thomas in late January ’13. It was scenic, but very hilly. Often I would see the summit only to realize when I got there that it was a false summit. Once I reached the summit, though, the views were wonderful. The views made the huffing, puffing, and pain worth it.
The 4th annual Resolution Run 5k is held in Nashville.
It starts at Hall of Fame Park, runs up Demonbreun, around Musica, down Music RowWest to Edgehill. We turned left onto Edgehill and then left onto Music Row East and returned downhill to Hall of Fame Park. There were approximately 450 runners and I finished 230th in a time of 33:29. The race benefits United Cerebral Palsy.
This was a great way to start the New Year and continue my running.

I ran the red, white, candy cane, and blue trails in Percy and EdwinWarner Parks yesterday it had rained hard the night before so thetrails were sloppy which I always enjoy running on trails throughnature.
It gives my legs and joints a rest from asphalt and concrete. It makes the body use additional muscles for stability and jumpingthat runners do not use on roads. My absolute favorite times to runtrails are 1) when it’s snowing, 2) when it’s raining, and 3) the dayafter a good rain. It was great to be a little kid again and stomp inmud puddles.
November 18, 2012
Yesterday, November 18, 2012, I ran The Flying Monkey Marathon in Percy Warner Park.
It is a low key race and is limited to about 250 runners. Each runner brings food and we have a pot-luck meal after the race. The money from the race entry, shirt sales and poster sales directly benefit the Warner Parks. This is one of the hilliest marathons in the USA. It has 3600 feet of elevation gain and 3600 feet of elevation fall. I finished 231 out of 249.
This year I ran with Team In Training to raise money for LLS (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society). There were 6 people running for TNT and collectively we raised $17,000. The money goes to help pay deductibles and miscellaneous expenses for patients and/or their families as they battle a blood cancer.
September 28-29, 2012
On September 28-29, 2012 I participated in a 12 person relay in central Kentucky called the Bourbon Chase.
Each runner runs 3 legs of varying distances and difficulty. I ran legs 12, 24, and 36. The journey started at Jim Beam and went through Heaven Hill, Makers Mark, Wild Turkey Four Roses and Woodford Reserve. We traveled though Lebanon, Perryville, Stanford, Danville, Midway and finished in downtown Lexington. Our team name was “I’ll have another!” and consisted on 2 vans each carrying 6 runners. My van included our captain Christy along with Phillip, Susan, Michael, Derrick and myself. My wife, Sue, was our driver and the most important person in the van. We finished in a total time of 29 hours and 47 minutes. The bourbon at the after-party was refreshing.
Bill running on his 58 birthday
Bill is celebrating his 58th birthday by running and biking, can you believe that.
Saturday morning at 3am started off with fireworks in the sky, in lightning and the rains pouring down. By 4am when Bill started running the fireworks were over and the cold front was moving in. Bill ran the first 16 miles of his day alone in the dark. Then met up with other runner friends from Fleet Feet to continue the days event, running. In all Bill ran 32.88k or 20.42 miles on Saturday, just another day on the road. Then on Sunday his birthday Bill biked another 17.24 miles or 27.76k so in the two days Bill ran and biked 60.64k. So that is 58k on his 58th birthday and some to grow. Happy Birthday.

Flying Monkey Marathon in Nashville
November 18, 2012
I am currently training with Team In Training (TNT) to run the Flying Monkey Marathon in Nashville on November 18, 2012. This will be run entirely in Percy Warner Park.
Team In Training participants are FOCUSED on raising as much money as they can to make a difference for cancer patients and their families.
Only The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team In Training (TNT) has:
Trained over a half a million runners, walkers, triathletes, cyclists and hikers
Raised over $1.2 billion to fund lifesaving cancer research
Two 4-5 month training options:
In-person program from our gigantic network of certified coaches
On-line option – same great coaches, “virtually”
More than 200 exciting endurance events to choose from.
TNT raises money and awareness for The Leukemia Lymphoma Society as they battle to eradicate blood diseases. Contributions may be made online at /tn/flymonk12/bevanss6bk
My goal is to raise in excess of $3000. Please consider making a contribution to this worthy cause. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Country Music Marathon
April 28th with Keeli Lonas
I ran the Country Music Marathon on April 28th with Keeli Lonas. We had trained together almost every Saturday since January. It was her maiden marathon and I had agreed to accompany her on the journey. It was the 1st 80 degree day of the year. The heat took its toll on us but we finished. It was he r1st full marathon and my 9th full marathon. We ran the 1st 11 miles with a 13 year old young man from Cleveland, TN. At 11 miles he turned onto the half marathon course. It was his 1st race longer than a cross country high school meet; Keeli and I were really impressed with him.
The volunteers were fabulous and we greatly appreciate their encouragement.

March 4, 2012
On March 4, 2012 I ran the Little Rock marathon with a friend, Kathryn Wiseman. The LRM is a great race. The host city is very hospitable and the race takes you through historic areas and architecturally interesting neighborhoods. The Governor of Arkansas was standing on the sidewalk in front of the Mansion talking to the runners. One area reminded me a lot of East Nashville and another one of the Germantown area. A Good Samaritan gave each of us an 8 oz. can of Michelob Ultra at the top of a long steep incline about Mile 14. Our pace increased after that.
Bill Evans
January 7th and 8th
On January 7th and 8th I ran two races at Walt Disney World in Orlando. On the 7th I ran a half marathon (13.1 miles) with 27,500 other runners. On the 8th I ran a full marathon (26.2 miles) with 18,000 other runners. Both races were run on the Disney grounds and through the various parks. When someone has completed both races on consecutive days, you have completed The Goof Challenge and a Half Race. I was awarded the Goofy shirt and medal when I completed these races. /events/rundisney /wdw-marathon
December 23, 2011
On December 23, 2011, Ken Switzer ran 60 miles to celebrate his 60th birthday and also raise money for The Living Water Project. He started at 4 AM CST at the Belle Meade Blvd Percy Warner Park entrance and took him approximately 14 hours to complete the journey. I ran the first 23 miles with Ken.

Barely a 4k Run
December 10, 2011
Sue and Bill Evans participated in the “Barely a 4k Run” on the cold morning of December 10, 2011. Yazoo Brewing Co. underwrote the event which raised money for the Bells Bend Community in Nashville. Post race Yazoo provided re-fueling beverages for the runners.
I participated in the RAGNAR Relay from Chattanooga to Nashville on November 4th and 5th.
It is a 12 person relay with each person running 3 legs. I ran legs 9, 21, and 33.
We had 2 vans with 6 runners plus a driver in each. My vanmates were Captain Heidi Huerta, Emily Thompson, Lindsay Duncan, Sarah Query, Maggie Tucker, and our great driver Maureen Saunderson.
What is the RAGNAR Relay; A 196 mile running event that will push you and 11 pals through the birthplace of country music, Tennessee. Starting in Chattanooga you will hug the Tennessee River and head northwest. Your team will run, day and night, across the rolling hills of southern Tennessee while enjoying the stunning November foliage. After the hills, you will move on to the ‘stills, as you pass through historic Lynchburg. The race (and your stamina) will wrap up, when you honky tonk your way to the Country Music, Nashville, Tennessee.
Montgomery, AL half Marathon
October 1, 2011
On October 1, 2011 3rd annual Montgomery, AL half marathon I joined 1066 other people in running the 3rd annual Montgomery, AL half marathon . We started at 7 AM CDT in downtown Montgomery. We ascended a long steady climb leaving downtown. We circled Oak Park, ran through the campuses of Alabama State University and Huntington College. We ran past the Governor’s Mansion on Perry Street and returned to downtown. We finished on the center field grass of the Montgomery Biscuits (Tampa Rays AA franchise) baseball stadium. Afterwards the world renowned Dreamland Barbeque fed us some good Southern pork sandwiches.

Birthday Run
Birthday Run 9/9/11 Last year I ran 56 miles to celebrate my 56th birthday. This took place throughout much of Nashville. I used last year’s run to raise funds for The Salama Institute, an inner city non-profit that develops leaders within the inner city communities.
This year I changed the distance from miles to kilometers. On 9-9-11 I ran 57 kilometers (35.42 miles) to celebrate my 57th birthday. I ran the roads in Percy and Edwin Parks. It took 2 loops to reach the 57 kilometers. Once again I used the Birthday Run to raise funds for Salama.
I am told by Salama they have raised $12,788 to date from this years run, “Bill this is wonderful! Thank you. This helped us in September which can usually be a dry month for us”.

Today I was to run the 11.2 route twice through Percy Warner Park.
Started at 7:10am and finished about 11:40 on this beautiful day in Nashville. Low humidity and a starting temperature around 80 degrees made for a great time to run. My goal today was to continue to prepare myself for my 57k run on my birthday September 9th. When I started to run this morning I was surprised by all the cars and people that were running and walking in the park, what a great place to be. After starting fast I ended up running about 19 miles then decided to stop and run another day.
I ran the red, white, candy cane, and blue trails in Percy and EdwinWarner Parks yesterday that rained hard the night before so the trails were sloppy which I always enjoy running on trails through nature.
It gives my legs and joints a rest from asphalt and concrete. It makes the body use additional muscles for stability and jumping that runners do not use on roads. My absolute favorite times to run trails are 1) when it’s snowing, 2) when it’s raining, and 3) the day after a good rain. It was great to be a little kid again and stomp in mud puddles.
In 2010 I set and ran a goal of 56 miles on my 56 birthday (56 at 56 facebook)
Run a minimum of 1 mile every day of the year with an aggregate of 2000 miles. By the end of July I had run 1200 miles year-to-date.
Run my age in kilometers (57) on my 57th birthday. I have not decided upon the route yet, but it will be through some parts of Nashville.
Three weeks after surgery
February of 2009
I tore my left meniscus while running. Three weeks after surgery I ran 1 mile. I continued to run about 3 to 4 days per week until October ’09 when I set the goal of running my age in 2010. I started training with a personal trainer, a nutritionist, and a massage therapist in October 2009 and still work with the trainer and nutritionist today.
Personal Trainer: Christopher McClintock at
Nutritionist: Mari-Etta Parrish at
Benefit Salama
For 25 years, Salama (Swahili word for peace) has served the Greater Nashville area through providing life-changing programs that equip children with skills needed for success in life and to nurture lives of integrity and hope through the foundation of faith.
“We as a society benefit because Salama produces educated leaders that settle within our communities and become mentors to others.”
January 1st – my wife and I ran the Resolution Run 5k in downtown Nashville.
January 8th – April 30th: I helped pace the 11:30 per mile group through a training program sponsored by Fleet Feet as they trained for the Country Music Half Marathon. We ran every Saturday for 16 weeks and I also ran with them during the race.
May 21st: I ran a Scenic City Trail marathon and Half Marathon at Raccoon Mountain in Chattanooga. This is absolutely the most fun marathon I have ever run. We ran on dirt trails through the woods that surround the TVA facility at the top of Raccoon Mountain.
June XX?: Fleet Feet hosted a trail run in Percy Warner Park that allowed us to try minimalistic trail running shoes.
Lonna pictures are available, I sent them, let me know if I need to resend.
July 4th: I ran the Firecracker 5k in Maryland Farms. I set a current century PR (personal record).
July 9th – September 17th: I helped pace the 11:00 to 11:30 per mile group through a training program sponsored Fleet Feet as they trained for the women’s Half Marathon. We ran every Saturday for 12 weeks. I did not run the race with them.
September 9th: I will run 57 kilometers (35.5 miles) to celebrate my 57th birthday.
January 7th and 8th: I will run The Goofy Challenge at Disney World. A half marathon (13.1 miles) is run on Saturday and a full marathon (26.2 miles) is run on Sunday. The half marathon finishers get a Donald Duck medal. The full marathon finishers get a Mickey Mouse medal. Those that finish both get a Goofy medal, probably because we are “goofy”.
1988: Rocket City Marathon in Huntsville, AL.
1989: Chicago Marathon
2008: Marine Corps Marathon in Washington D.C.
2009: Mississippi Blues Marathon in Jackson, MS.
2010: Country Music Half Marathon.
2010: I ran 56 miles to celebrate my 56th birthday.
2010: Rocket City Marathon in Huntsville, AL